Update: Ike Ekweremadu and His wife has been found guilty of Organ trafficking

Former Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu, his wife Beatrice, and Obinna Obeta, a doctor, have been found guilty of conspiring to traffic a Nigerian street trader to London to exploit him for his kidney.

The Old Bailey heard that the organ was intended for the couple’s daughter, Sonia, aged 25. 

The victim was promised opportunities in the UK for helping, but only realised what was happening when he met doctors at the Royal Free Hospital in London. 

Although it is lawful to donate a kidney, it becomes criminal if there is a reward of money or other material advantage. 

When the victim was rejected as unsuitable, the Ekweremadus transferred their interest to Turkey and set about finding another donor. 

They denied the charge against them but were found guilty. 

Organ trafficking is a serious crime, and this conviction sends a strong message that such illegal practices will not be tolerated.

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